Beyond blessed


I just want to take a moment to brag not only about God and what He is doing in our family but more importantly what He is doing with our kids. It has been such an overwhelming blessing to see the kids flourish over the last four weeks. Kennedy, on our trip here, suddenly potty trained herself overnight! She has only had 1 accident in the last 5 weeks!! Praise God!! What a HUGE blessing and one less thing on our plates as we were preparing to start a rigorous weekly class schedule in addition to taking care of our littles. We are given so much comfort and reassurance daily that we made the best decision for our children by obeying where the Lord was leading us. Seeing the ability she has been given at such a young age to engage and encourage adults is just inspiring and humbling to witness. God has such amazing plans for her life and I can’t help but think that our act of obedience has more to do with how God will use her and her siblings then it has anything to do with us. On another note, Troy has not only taken big steps in letting out more of his personality but he has started walking!! It is such a special time to watch him grow in so many special ways. He has always been so observant and just recently has started to engage with people with smiles, talking and waving. We were thinking he was going to be more introverted like his parents, but maybe Kennedy is wearing him down after!!!

What an exciting and scary time in our family’s life. We just want to say thank you again for partnering with us in prayer and financially over the next 2years as we rely on God’s continued provision for our family.