God's Hand over our Family: Prayers Needed


We are into week three already of our Discipleship Training School (DTS) as we prepare our hearts and minds for what God has in store for us. What a journey it has been!! JT and I can’t emphasize enough how vital this course is to ALL Christians regardless of age. What an amazing opportunity to pour your whole day into truths about God and His word and worshiping with fellow believers. There is no question that God is here as we feel the Holy Spirit moving daily! If you feel the gentle nudging of God pulling you but are unsure as to what direction I would urge you to explore taking 5months to attend a DTS and get clarification!! Our number one calling as Christians is the great commission … why wouldn’t we invest in seeing what God’s purpose is for our lives and how that looks in today’s world? We challenge you to dig deeper and see what He might be asking of you.

On a personal note we would like to ask for some specific prayers regarding our family. As some of you might know we came here with the knowledge that our housing from mid-March through May was not guaranteed. We did and still do have a peace about this and we ask that you join us in prayer as we are starting to explore what our options might be and what that financially looks like. Many of you have done the math and this is the same time period that we hope to be brining home our newest member!! Prayers that our housing would be taken care of while we wait to welcome our newest little and as we prepare to go on overseas outreach as a family.

Our next prayer is something that I honestly have been keeping close to my heart. I wanted to wait to ensure that I was not speaking out of fear but in faith when I shared with you all. We serve an amazing God who knows the intimate details of our lives right down to the number of hairs on our head. I have seen his hand over us the last 5years as we have walked a crazy, heartbreaking road in growing our family. He has been our Rock and we truly trust His Sovereignty of our lives and our children’s. At our 20week appointment it was noted that I have placenta previa. This is where the placenta covers the opening in the cervix instead of moving up and away. I will be having another sonogram at 34weeks to see if the my placenta has naturally moved up as it should or if it is still covering my cervix. IF it has not moved I will be considered high-risk and will be required to have the baby via C-section. Please pray that my body will cooperate and resolve naturally. That we will not have any pre-term complications and that we can avoid a high-risk delivery scenario. I have full confidence that we are where we are suppose to be and with medical professionals who are capable and confident but more importantly are Christians!

“For our present troubles are small and won’t last long.  Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever!  So we do not look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen.  For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.” 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 (NLV) . What a humbling verse Lord, help us to focus on your truth and not on what we see!! For you are greater and bigger then any obstacle we will ever face!

Thank you for partnering with us as none of this would be possible without your prayers and financial support! We are so thankful for the sacrifices you and your families have made in committing to help support our family’s call into the mission field.
