

Thank you for EVERY SINGLE dollar and EVERY SINGLE prayer over our family and ministry in 2022! God has done some amazing things over the last FOUR years and we are so blessed to have your partnership in this ministry. We literally COULD NOT be doing this without your support. This ministry, Mission 91 is not our ministry it is YOUR ministry ... EVERY SINGLE one of you!!! We are so blessed to have you walking hand in hand with our family. 

We are still waiting for final year end gifts and then we will send you some more details in regards to HOW MUCH your GIFT matters. For example if you helped fund the Mission 91 trip to Ukraine in March you are 1 of 8 financial partners!!! You stepping out and giving with EXTREMELY short notice was VITAL to that missions success!  

We are also sharing the honoring words we were given by our close friends and previous neighbors before leaving YWAM MT in August. For those who maybe haven't seen us in years or ever ... I pray these help to speak to our character, the calling and how we are walking in obedience as a family.

BELOW are the different GIVING options for our family (please let us know if you have any questions.) We also made some much needed updates on our website and finally added Mission 91 info!   

JT is not a perfect man.
He has no problem admitting his faults and inadequacies. I love that about him - the humility that this man carries. The stuff he did before he ever got to YWAM was already so incredible. He is the kind of guy who other dudes (not me of course) go full man crush when they realize all that he did and accomplished. Yet when he shares this stuff, it always comes out in casual conversation - not in anyway trying to puff himself up or be vocalized to puff up his own ego. On top of that when you hear his heart for the why - it makes it even easier to think “wow this guy is the flippin best”You had an incredible business before you came here. Your business was successful and had an amazing heart to serve. You gave it all completely up because of a few short seemingly random Holy Spirit moments where God called you to something different. You just said yes.

Some examples in the Bible came to me when I was asked to honor you.Abraham. God said go - so he just went. To where? Just go - because God asked him to. What an amazing example. This lead me to the rich man who wanted to enter heaven. He loved, but had to give up everything to follow Jesus. I know you did this. You asked your family to do this. And you literally gave away your stuff. Your sweet stuff to just up and go to MT. You brought it to a church and just gave it away. Apparently you can get a camel to pass through the eye of a needle… Then I thought of the parable of the talents and the verse that says, “‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’You have made the most of what God has given you so many times. You have walked in humility while you have done it. And now as you move to the next big thing God is entrusting you with, I feel like God is saying “enter into the joy of your master”.Thank you so much for the areas you served here with YWAM MT. We have been blessed to have you serve Jesus here with us and we are honored to send you on to the next thing that I know you will steward well. I love you and I am glad it is not that far away so that I can still learn from you and be a part of your life.”
— Kris Honoring JT at YWAMMT
Well JT may have initially been the one to hear the call of God to leave everything and come into missions with his family, but what I know of Annah is that she was quick to jump on board with what God was saying to them as a family and willing to risk it all, for the sake of obedience to the Lord and for the Gospel. Something I have seen in Annah is that she is an extremely supportive wife, a very dedicated mother, and a radically obedient woman of God. I have seen her sacrifice and give of herself continually for the sake of the call God has on their family. But never sacrificing her family for the sake of the call. She is an incredibly intentional wife and mother and I see the way her family is blessed by that. She not only gives of herself to her family but is so generous toward those around her, giving her skills, knowledge and resources. And personally, Kris and I, along with our kids have been so blessed by her generosity and care for others so many times.

Annah is also someone who does things with excellence and cares about that in others as well. She is not afraid to call people to a high standard, and it really comes from a heart for people and ministries to be all that she knows God desires them to be. Annah truly cares about God’s truth and people being transformed by that truth. And I see this to be evident in the way she chooses to live her life not only as a wife, and a mom, but also as a church member, a co-worker, a missionary and a friend. I am very thankful that they came to MT, I think both because I have learned so much from both of them personally as well as professionally, and also because I truly believe we are a better equipped campus/group of missionaries due to the things both of you have brought to us here at Ywam MT. Thank you specifically Annah for all you’ve poured out to so many of us here in this community as a friend and fellow mom and missionary. Selfishly I’m glad you all are not going far. We already feel the loss of not having you all as neighbors, we are just glad that we will get to have you around and still do life together. Love you guys tons and really look forward to all that God will do in and through your entire family as you move into this next season. I know that many will be impacted for the kingdom because of your obedience.”
— Katie Honoring Annah at YWAMMT



1.ONLINE MONTHLY & One-Time Support

You can give directly through our support link! Please set up your account prior to making a donation.Your information will be saved so you will not have to enter it each time you want to make a donation. It will also will keep your year-to-date information correct! This will allow you to control your giving method and amounts. Create an account below by clicking the 'Support Our Ministry' link.

2. Mailing a Check 

If you would prefer to send a check please make payable to YWAM

(our name cannot be anywhere on the check) address envelope to:

JT and Annah Pharr

501 Blacktail Road

Lakeside, MT 59922

3. Donate Stock

Account Registration: Youth With a Mission of MT

Account number: 55666066

DTC number: 0361

Receiving firm: DA Davidson & CO

Please contact our financial agent Erika Dorrington at DA Davidson, should you have any questions. Her phone number is 406-751-5819 and her email address is


4. Donor Advised Account 

You can set up recurring giving through your financial investment accounts.

The EIN number for YWAM Montana Lakeside is 81-6037128

Address: 501 Blacktail Road

Lakeside, MT 59922


5. Donating your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) as a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD)

If you are age 72 or older, IRS rules require you to take required minimum distributions (RMDs) each year from your tax-deferred retirement accounts.This additional taxable income may push you into a higher tax bracket and may also reduce your eligibility for certain tax credits and deductions. To eliminate or reduce the impact of RMD income, charitably inclined investors may want to consider making a qualified charitable distribution (QCD).

If you are 72 or older, own an IRA (The account types that are eligible for QCDs include: Traditional IRAs, Inherited IRAs, SEP IRA (inactive plans only*), SIMPLE IRA (inactive plans only*), and donate to charity, QCDs may make sense for you; consult a tax advisor regarding your specific situation. For a QCD to count toward your current year's RMD, the funds must come out of your IRA by your RMD deadline, which is generally December 31 each year.

Funds must be transferred directly from your IRA custodian to the qualified charity. This is accomplished by requesting your IRA custodian issue a check from your IRA payable to the charity. You can then request that the check be mailed to the charity, or forward the check to the charity yourself. Please make check payable to YWAM (our name cannot be anywhere on the check) you can include a sticky note with our name OR address envelope directly to us:

JT and Annah Pharr

501 Blacktail Road

Lakeside, MT 59922