The Next Chapter

The 1st Mission 91 school has officially graduated!

From April through July our four students and two staff-students went through our very first school for Mission 91. This school was birthed by a calling placed on JT's life and a Holy Spirit encounter in the summer of 2018.  JT and his co-founder, Matt spent countless hours over the last three years creating this curriculum and hours in the gym doing jiu jitsu training themselves to be able to teach. 

This school is like nothing else in YWAM or elsewhere and I am so proud of their faithfulness to obey the call.  The four months of school were not just been challenging for the participants but also the staff and families. Since JT and Matt created this curriculum they couldn't lean on guest speakers every week which is typical in other YWAM schools. Instead, they only brought in a four guests speakers which was equivalent to three weeks. Leaving the remaining four months of classroom lecture, gym and  jiu jitsu for JT and Matt to teach. 

During the four months our students:

  • Received certifications in Situational Awareness, Verbal De-Escalation, Physical De-Escalation, Recognizing and Responding to Suspicious Activity, Escape Barricade Engage, Incident Command Systems, First-Aid and CPR.

  • Completed Biblical Studies in: Genesis, Exodus, John, Galatians, Philemon and Titus

  • Read Books: Streams of Living Water, Extreme Ownership, Left of Bang and The Seven Laws of the Learner

  • Learned how to conduct Risk Assessments and assisted with a Risk Assessment for a local church.

  • They ran a foundations course for the YWAM MT Refuge Team

  • Pushed themselves physically, mentally and spiritually

We are thankful for the students who participated in this pioneering school and proud of their hard work and dedication. One of the students rededicated his life at the end of the program and asked to be baptized by Matt and JT.


Thanks to all of your prayers, encouragement, support and God's faithfulness Mission 91 has been approached by multiple organizations in five different countries for risks assessments and training for 2023. We also have 10 students inquiring for the next school (including internationals)!! God has been doing some amazing things and we are excited to share the next part of this journey with you.

We have transitioned to a more global platform with Mission Builders International on September 1st. We will be reaching out to our monthly partners to share more details (nothing is changing with support processing) and if you'd like to partner with us financially and become a monthly partner please click the PARTNER WITH US tab in the upper right hand corner.

With this transition we are also gaining a new member to the team, Luke Smith. Luke is an EMT, CPR and Stop the Bleed Instructor and he has served as the Business Administrator for YWAM MT. We are excited to expand our global offerings and professionalism with him on our team. 

Mission 91 Team: JT Pharr, Luke Smith and Matt Praetzel

Mission 91 Team: JT Pharr, Luke Smith and Matt Praetzel


God is being glorified through our steps of obedience and you can listen to this as JT was asked to be a guests on a podcast and share about our story and ministry, Mission 91. The Podcast is BrotherhoodofFatherhood and Scott Rammage is the Founder. JT was also asked to participate in a Brotherhood of Fatherhood men's retreat 'THE BIG EVENT' as one of the guest speakers/trainers. We are excited for the growth and new opportunities and avenues to share what God doing. 


We have been so blessed by our prayer supporters and financial partners. We shared in November God's word over our family and ministry for 2022 was 'THE BEST IS YET TO COME' and we firmly believe this to be true. We also still see God using the previous words given over the last four years as we begin the next chapter of this journey.

Please pray for God's continued provision for our family as we are continuing to step out in obedience to ask for full funding for our family and ministry. We have been struggling to get new support and recognize the state of the economy and have been feeling that strain financially as well. 

But, as it is written, “what no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined. What God has prepared for those who love him” - 1 Corinthians 2:9

Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:19

TRUST in the Lord with ALL your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps. Proverbs 16:9

Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass. Psalm 37:5
— The Bible