Be A Part Of It!

In our last newsletter we shared the below graphic with our families financial needs. This past month we have not gained any NEW financial partners but we did have a couple recurring increases and a decrease in monthly support.

Currently, we have lost more support than what we gained. While this can be defeating we know and understand that finances in missions changes as every household will have varying things in their lives that can change their support levels monthly and yearly. Above is a visual of the different ways individuals, churches or businesses can partner with us. I hope this helps to give you a better idea of the need and how our $1500 a month gap from being fully funded missionaries can be accomplished. 

Please continue to pray with us that God will provide the difference and how you might be a part of it? 

As Mission Builder Intl. Missionaries we are self-funded and rely on the generosity of others to sustain our mission. We ask that you seek God in partnering with our family in fulfilling the Great Commission. We are ALL IN and we are excited for you to come alongside us and 18 current monthly financial partners and invest through faithful prayer and monthly support.

Wishing you and your family a Healthy & Blessed 2023!!

JT, Annah, Kennedy, Troy and Elijah