End of Year and 2021 Giving

Three areas to support our ministry: 

God has done so much in 2020 in regards to our ministry and providing vision and opportunities and we are excited to expand the options for how you can partner with us!
We want to ask you to prayerfully consider joining or continuing to partner with us in three areas of our ministry for 2021:

1. daily family needs
2. launching Mission 91
3.future family outreaches


1. Our Family Needs

As Full-time Missionary Members of Youth With A Mission (YWAM), we do not receive a salary for our work. We are 100% responsible for our own fundraising and rely entirely on God and support from Sponsors like you to sustain our mission.

This means we heavily rely on the prayers, support and monthly sponsorship of those who believe in what we’re doing. Our monthly support covers housing, food, clothing, gas and daily necessities for a family.

Donations and support can be processed through YWAM for both one-time and reoccurring support and you will be given a tax receipt through them as well! Select the "Partner With Us" link below.

If you prefer to send a check please make payable to YWAM (our name cannot be anywhere on the check) include a sticky note with our name address envelope to:

JT and Annah Pharr

501 Blacktail Road

Lakeside, MT 59922


2. Mission 91

God has given us vision for the Security Department to pioneer a new program Mission 91.

Mission 91 is a new kind of ministry devoted to providing high quality, professional and Biblically centered protection, training and services to ministries and churches around the world (for FREE) while simultaneously using our skillset to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ in both day-to-day activities and crisis events.

  • Starting Spring of 2021 we will equip, train, disciple likeminded YWAM staff globally to lead their YWAM Security Department and share their expertise with ministries in their communities.

  • We will work with non-profits internationally in the training of local law enforcement in recovery for human and sex trafficking

Mission 91 needs financial support to help pay for the school materials, training equipment and opportunities, travel expenses for outreaches and classroom renovation needed to adequately prepare participants from around the globe during their 4 month training program.

Upcoming Financial Need: $8,000

(January-February 2021 for renovations - Program to begin March 2021)

Mission91 is teaming up with Agape International Missions (AIM) to assist the Law Enforcement of Cambodia in eliminating Child Trafficking from their nation. This is a 2 Week Academy style program in which we will equip their Law Enforcement with the skills necessary to find and detain traffickers, as well as get the rescued children plugged into Restorative and Reintegrated Programs run by AIM.

Our two Trainers will be assisting AIM in running a Law Enforcement Program for the government of Cambodia that focuses on 3 Tasks:

  1. Rescue

  2. Restore

  3. Reintegrate

Immediate Financial Need: $3,000 for each trainer (2 trainers total)

Recurring Need: Training 2-3 times every year

Please consider partnering with Mission 91.

Donations and support can now be processed through YWAM for both one-time and reoccurring support.

Please make check payable to YWAM (Mission 91 cannot be anywhere on the check) include a sticky note with Mission 91 address envelope to:

JT and Annah Pharr

501 Blacktail Road

Lakeside, MT 59922


3. Family Outreaches

As Missionary Members we serve at YWAM MT but our heart and desire is to GO. We know right now that God has called us to pioneer Mission 91 and that will allow JT to travel on outreaches with students and training opportunities. But we want to go on family outreaches outside of our departments as well. We truly believe God will be calling our family overseas long term and while we wait for that specific Word from the Lord we want to serve in short term mission opportunities as well. This will require finances above and beyond our monthly expenses.

Please consider helping to SEND our family into the nations yearly as we wait for our families long-term calling. We currently do not have any specific opportunities but we are actively working with YWAM MT while also monitoring covid restrictions worldwide.


1. ONLINE MONTHLY & One-Time Support

You can give directly through our support link! Please set up your account prior to making a donation.Your information will be saved so you will not have to enter it each time you want to make a donation. It will also will keep your year-to-date information correct! This will allow you to control your giving method and amounts. Create an account below by clicking the link.


2. Mailing a Check 

Please make check payable to YWAM (our name cannot be anywhere on the check)
include a sticky note with our name or Mission 91 address envelope to:

JT and Annah Pharr

501 Blacktail Road

Lakeside, MT 59922

3. Donate Stock

Account Registration: Youth With a Mission of MT

Account number: 55666066

DTC number: 0361

Receiving firm: DA Davidson & CO

Please contact our financial agent Erika Dorrington at DA Davidson, should you have any questions. Her phone number is 406-751-5819 and her email address is edorrington@dadco.com.

4. Donor Advised Accoun

You can set up recurring giving through your financial investment accounts.

The EIN number for YWAM Montana Lakeside is 81-6037128

Address: 501 Blacktail Road

Lakeside, MT 59922

5. Donating your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) as a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD)

If you are age 70½ or older, IRS rules require you to take required minimum distributions (RMDs) each year from your tax-deferred retirement accounts. This additional taxable income may push you into a higher tax bracket and may also reduce your eligibility for certain tax credits and deductions. To eliminate or reduce the impact of RMD income, charitably inclined investors may want to consider making a qualified charitable distribution (QCD).


If you are 70½ or older, own an IRA (The account types that are eligible for QCDs include: Traditional IRAs, Inherited IRAs, SEP IRA (inactive plans only*), SIMPLE IRA (inactive plans only*), and donate to charity, QCDs may make sense for you; consult a tax advisor regarding your specific situation. For a QCD to count toward your current year's RMD, the funds must come out of your IRA by your RMD deadline, which is generally December 31 each year.

Funds must be transferred directly from your IRA custodian to the qualified charity. This is accomplished by requesting your IRA custodian issue a check from your IRA payable to the charity. You can then request that the check be mailed to the charity, or forward the check to the charity yourself. Please make check payable to YWAM (our name cannot be anywhere on the check) you can include a sticky note with our name or Mission 91 and address envelope directly to us:

JT and Annah Pharr

501 Blacktail Road

Lakeside, MT 59922

Wow. That is a lot of information and if you are still reading this I have more. If you have been following our blog or signed up for our newsletter you may recall a scripture verse that we have referenced throughout the past two years of this journey.

Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.
— Isaiah 43:19

Covid has been a very hard and difficult season for many. While we have had our ups and downs as well I can't help but smile in seeing the doors God has opened for our ministry. He truly has made a way in the desert and we rejoice at the rivers bursting forth. God is on the move and we are so excited to see the growth and flourishing fruit from this outpouring. We would love you to partner with us in prayer and financially as we seek to fulfill the Great Commission, together!

~ Journey Pharr ~

JT, Annah, Kennedy, Troy and Elijah