Early 2018, I told Annah that God was putting on my heart that we were being called to live an outrageous life for Christ. The kind of life that doesn’t make sense to the society around us. I had no idea what that meant or looked like, but I told her to start praying about it and to be ready. 

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Fast forward to July 2018... my company was hired by YWAM Montana to conduct a safety and security risk assessment of their campus in Lakeside, MT. We flew up to spend a week on location to observe daily operations and review their security protocols. We arrived on a Monday afternoon after a long day of travel and plane hopping. While I was putting my bags in my room, one of the YWAM guys asked us if we’d like to attend their worship service that evening. I immediately thought to myself, “I’m really not in the mood for a worship service. I’ve been up since 3am CT and I just want to rest.” Not a second after that thought entered my mind, I was overcome with conviction of how selfish that thought was. There should be NOTHING that stands in the way of giving God the praise He deserves. I should always be eager to worship Him.  After asking for His forgiveness, I asked God to meet me at that worship service, and if He had anything for me, I desperately wanted to hear it. 

Within the first line of the very first song, I was overwhelmed with by the Holy Spirit. I knew right then what the "outrageous life” God was calling us to was, but I wasn’t ready to swallow that pill just yet. For the rest of that week I asked a lot of questions about YWAM, both as a community and as an organization. I learned that of their 1100+ locations around the world, there is not a single YWAM employee. Each and every staff member is there as a volunteer and are responsible for raising their own financial support.

Going-to-the-Sun Road in Glacier National Park

When I got back home late Friday night, I told Annah everything God had been putting on my heart during my trip. I let her know that I would be asking God for more clarity on everything, but to be prepared for some major change in our lives. For the next week I was just asking God to speak to me. Piece by piece, He started painting the picture for me. Every sermon, devotional, conversation with mentors, song, even the daily bread flip calendar on my desk provided one bit of confirmation after another. The biggest smack in the face came on that next Friday. I was sitting at my desk and I felt this nudge to call Matt (one of the guys from YWAM). He answered the phone and asked, “What’s up?” I replied, “I have no idea, I just felt like the Holy Spirt was prompting me to call. Has God been putting anything on your heart?” Matt started laughing and said, “That’s awesome and crazy! I’ve been meaning to call you but I didn’t want you to think I was weird or something. That first night… during that worship service… I felt the Holy Spirt single you out in the room and say “This relationship is important to Me and you two will be seeing more of each other.” And ever since you left, my wife and I have been praying for you and your family every morning and evening. So what’s going on?” He asked. 

The calling was crystal clear… we were being called to sell everything, leave our jobs and take our family to Montana for Discipleship Training School (DTS) in January 2019. 

So that’s what we did. We sold EVERYTHING, went down to one vehicle, sold our house, left our jobs and drove 1500miles (during winter) to see where this call was leading our family.

Volunteer Park in Lakeside, MT (Flathead Lake)

We had no idea the trials and the triumphs our family would face over the next 4years and how God would sustain us physically, mentally and spiritually as we continued to walk out this radical call. Thank you to anyone reading this for your prayers and support during this amazing journey. If you haven’t already, please sign up for our newsletter so that we can share with you all the miraculous things God is allowing our family to witness and read our BLOG to see what he has been doing since 2018!

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