Neither Here Nor There

Today was an answer to many prayers. We signed closing documents and are officially homeless!


When we decided we were going to walk this calling out we had no idea what or how it would transpire. One of the biggest hurdles was knowing we would need to sell our home. The home we had just moved from Columbia to Kansas City for last year. One by one we started putting everything into motion in regards to getting our application submitted to YWAM and waiting for the approval. During this time we also found out we were expecting, which caused a slight delay in getting final approval from YWAM to attend Discipleship Training School in January. Official acceptance letter or not, we knew it was time to sell the house and start preparing for what we knew God was calling us to. So on September 28th we listed our home for sale by owner. Within three weeks we had an offer which fell through as the couple had not yet listed their home. So we waited and held fast that we were doing what God called us to do and he would send the right family to purchase. On November 3rd, that initial family came back and we were able to go under contract and have a closing completed within 30days!! I cannot tell you enough how great our God is!! What a huge blessing to be able to list and close on our home all within 68days!! There is no other explanation other then God! We are humbled by His faithfulness as we walk in obedience to His calling for our family.

There have been so many awesome God moments throughout this entire process thus far, but this one especially stands out with regards to selling the house… Since we have only lived in this house for a year and a half, we didn’t have enough equity to sell the house with an agent and pay the hefty commissions. Shortly after we put the sign in the yard, one of our neighbors informed us that we had become the talk of the neighborhood. Some neighbors apparently thought we were out of our mind, others said there was absolutely no way we could sell the house without an agent, and another mockingly stated that someone should tell us that God said to sell the house to them for cheaper. The great thing about walking in obedience is that you don’t always have to know where you’re going, you don’t even have to know the path. You just have to be willing to put one foot in front of the other. I just have to be obedient with what He gives me, the rest of the details are for Him to sort out. The other great thing about obedience is that it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks or says. He is my defender and He will leave the naysayers speechless. In this case not only did the house sell, we received asking price with no agents involved on either side! God is AMAZING!

We have also been truly blessed by all of the friends, family and strangers who have come alongside us to help with the process of selling everything. To those who donated time out of their weekend to help us with our fundraising sale. To those who came, shopped and donated. To those who watched our little ones so we could get as much done as possible. For all of the generous donations and the prayers of support…we are truly humbled by everyones generosity during this season. It has been very sobering to have to ask for help and donations as it has been the most uncomfortable part of the process thus far. Jonathan and I have always been very independent and honestly stubborn when it comes to asking for help of any kind. Let alone the dreaded conversation of asking for money. So, thank you and we apologize in advance as we learn to navigate this new calling and humble ourselves as our family relies on your prayers and support.


“In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.” Proverbs 16:9

“Commit your way to the LORD, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass.” Psalm 37:5