
The last two months have been hectic and beautiful. We officially became outnumbered as we welcomed our third child into the world. All the parents who have more children than parents know exactly what I am talking about. Someone is always in need, waiting, hungry, crying or getting hurt. They’re just aren’t enough eyes and hands to catch everything, everyday. Some days are flawless everything aligns and other days you feel lucky if you got out of your pajamas!

During the last week of our Discipleship Training School we were learning more about the topic of Missions. That week has been on my mind the last few months even more so now. We know the daily struggles of being out numbered by one little human but many missionaries are outnumbered by thousands! According to Joshua Project, with over 3.19 Billion Unreached people we would need around 67,400 disciples to go and teach them about Jesus. That sounds like a lot of workers but it AVERAGES out to one missionary for every 50,000 people! Could you imagine trying to accomplish the daily task of sharing, discipling and ministering to 50,000 people? Talk about being outnumbered!

What a humbling statistic to hear and see. I don’t know about you, but it makes me want to run to the nations and help!